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Indoor Competitive Group Update Spring 2022


An update for the Mason World Winterguard and George Mason University Indoor Drumline

What an incredible year for our indoor competitive groups!

On April 7 and 8, the Mason World Winterguard competed in Dayton, Ohio for the annual Winter Guard International (WGI) Championships. After winning 1st place in Open Class in 2019, this was the first year Mason Winterguard competed in the Independent World division. The winterguard advanced to the semi-final round and ended the season with a 78.5 overall. We are incredibly proud of Program Director Lindell Palmer, his staff, and the members of the winterguard for their first season in Independent World Class.

Two weeks after the Winterguard championship weekend, the George Mason University Indoor Drumline traveled to Dayton on April 20th and competed in the WGI Championships from April 21-23. Advancing to Finals in the Independent World Class division, GMUID finished their season in 9th place overall and with a score of 92.688, the highest score the program has earned to date! Congratulations to Program Director Travis Peterman, Creative Director Dan Schack, the whole operations crew, and the entire GMUID membership on an outstanding season.

The entire Green Machine Ensembles program is proud of both of the indoor competitive groups and is already excited for how both programs will grow and evolve next season.

Onward and upward!

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