Historical Ensembles Update June 2023
An update for the Green Machine Historical Ensembles (6/2023)
The Green Machine Ensembles and the City of Fairfax hosted the 2nd Annual Fairfax Muster at the Veterans Amphitheater on Saturday April 29th in coordination with the City of Fairfax’s Spotlight on the Arts. This year groups from as far away as Williamsburg and Baltimore attended to perform alongside Mason ensembles! Be sure to keep an eye out on social media for announcements regarding the 3rd Fairfax Muster in 2024!
Both the Patriots Fife and Drum Corps and the 8th Green Machine Regiment Band both marched in the 96th Shenandoah Apple Blossom Parade on May 6 under the banner of “The Green Machine Historical Ensembles.”
The fife and drum corps once again fulfilled their role as the Ceremonial Corps during University Commencement on May 18th. They were able to displayed their recently acquired large rope-tension bass drums made by David Loyal of Loyal Drums in Fredericksburg, VA.
The Patriots Fife and Drum Corps will continue rehearsing twice a month throughout the summer and will be performing at the Westbrook Muster from August 24-27 in Westbrook, Connecticut.
The 8th Green Machine Regiment Band performed throughout the 2022-2023 school year. Some of the performances included a Veteran’s Day concert at the Manassas National Battlefield, a battle anniversary concert at Ball’s Bluff Battlefield Regional Park, a performance for the Civil War Round Table of the District of Columbia and the Lincoln Group of DC, and Fairfax HisTree Day at the Historic Blenheim Site and Civil War Interpretation Center. The band will continue to perform over the summer at locations such as Manassas National Battlefield Park, Historic Leesburg, Ball’s Bluff Regional Battlefield Park, and Gettysburg National Military Park.
Be sure to follow both of our Historical Ensembles on social media to stay up to date with future performances.
Both groups continue to accept alumni and community members to perform with them. If you are interested in joining either ensemble, please email Dr. Chris Troiano at ctroiano@gmu.edu.